Goodbye,nice to know you 2008

My holiday is on the eve of curtain close and so as the year. Its been a year full of joy,tears and lots of guffaws and food. Thank you God for blessing me with wonderful family and friends, thank you for granting my wish for keeping my cats healthy and for giving me courage and strength every single day to face my hectic schedule as a student and most of all thank you for giving me life . This holiday has been nothing but fun,fun and fun. I learnt the meaning of friendship, sacrifice, support from my loved ones in enduring hard times in the past few weeks. Thank you for those who has been inviting me every weekend to hang out at the mamak stall, thank you for willing to give me a ride to an event although it turned out pretty dull, thank you for the whirlwind ride :) And ofcourse to that special someone whose been reading it ,moment with you is the one I cherished the most (tgk tu dia senyum,comelnya).New year resolution? Too early for that. Besides, all I need to be is a better person each and everyday (yeahhhh rightttt). Gotta get ready for tomorrow wedding at Lumut. Have mercy!


Anonymous said...

encik 'Nyamuk' mesti tersenyum tatkala membaca post ini..i ske je kalo my partner bawak volksawgen old skool..haha..tak yah mini cooper s,mini yang dah usang tu kalau dibawak lagi cool hahaha...

MoY.Axili said...

talking bout vintage :) tapi maintanence mahal