Smell the desperation

If you ask a student, a week of studies to cover up the whole semester topics, consist of 6 months subjects will never be enough . In fact, if you give them a month for revision will never ever be enough for them. Because students let procrastination reign their self and a lack of motivation clouds their days. If you ask me, I will never be ready for exams. Let it be monthly test, driving test, or anything that myself will be evaluated for, I will never be 100% prepare. However with a constant preparation and hyper loud repetitive music (or some else prefer meditating) I am all pumped up to answer the best that I could give. Muster all positive attitude and step into the hall to nail the questions, it's what everyone should have. At times like these, think of yourself and giving it the best instead of envying the person who sits next to you. At least that's what I do. I still consider myself a good person to share all my encouragements to readers when I myself enduring one of the shittiest semester of all (3rd year yet to come). I probably shouldn't list the tormenting moment I had with some of the so-called-creme-of-the-crops-of-the-department. If it's mean to be at the top then you have to knock someone else down, I'm sorry I cant accept the principle. Despite the busy week of devouring my notes , I've made few plans for the upcoming sem break including keluar rumah 830am, get to KLCC by 9am so I can shoot the silhouette of skyscraper during the peak hour :) But the easiest thing to loose something is by wanting it so bad so again, good plan, good time management and rip up the rule book of photography, all ready to go!


Amar Syafiq said...

problem with student is most of them will only realise the need to study and cover up the whole semester studies at the very last minute, that including moi! :P